A surfer performing a very sharp turn. Santa Cruz and the surrounding Northern California coastline is a popular surfing destination, however the year-round low temperature of the ocean in that region (averaging 57ºF/14ºC) necessitates the use of wetsuits. (Brocken Inaglory) » Nature-P0rn

A surfer performing a very sharp turn. Santa Cruz and the surrounding Northern California coastline is a popular surfing destination, however the year-round low temperature of the ocean in that region (averaging 57ºF/14ºC) necessitates the use of wetsuits. (Brocken Inaglory)

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    A surfer performing a very sharp turn. Santa Cruz and the surrounding Northern California coastline is a popular surfing destination, however the year-round low temperature of the ocean in that region (averaging 57ºF/14ºC) necessitates the use of wetsuits. (Brocken Inaglory)

    Image by BlankVerse on reddit